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Mutex formation

A Mutex group is a combination of graphics elements, including lines, points, and areas. When there is a Robot in the Mutex group, other Robots cannot enter the same Mutex group and can only wait outside. They can only enter the Mutex group after the Robot inside the group leaves.


  1. The number of robots in the same block group is over the max number.

Trigger condition:

  1. The number of robots in the mutex group has exceeded the limit.


  1. Remove the robots from the mutex group or set the robots to not occupy resource status.

Usage Scenarios

  • Charging points and parking points are very close to each other, making it impossible to use them simultaneously. It is necessary to put the charging and parking points within an exclusive area.

Charging and Parking

  • At two intersections, robots need to rotate in place, which may cause collisions with each other. It is necessary to add them into an exclusive area. As shown in the image below, LM1170 and LM1169 need to be put in the same exclusive area.

Last updated 2023/05/17
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Usage Scenarios