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"LED" refers to the lamp belt module, which is primarily used to display the lamp belt under various states of the robot.

In the Properties window, you can modify the parameters of the lamp belt, such as the device name, model, color settings, whether to display the charging status, and whether to display the battery status.

Device name

The device name refers to the name of the lamp strip, usually LED. "Enable Device" must be selected, otherwise, the device will not be used.

  • Brand

    • No information available


Definition: SM16512 LED strip

Note: Please fill in the SM16512 chip light strip as needed.


Definition: A user's private version of the light strip.

User's private version of the light belt


Definition: ZJ-LED RGB CTRL user private light strip.

Note: For Zj-LED-RGb-Ctrl users with private light strips, please fill in the form according to your actual situation.

Color Configuration with Light Group

When the brand is WST-SM16512PS-DMX512, the following parameters are required:

  • colorRed

Meaning: Refers to the red parameter setting.

Note: Parameters set in red indicate a range of (0,255).

  • colorGreen

Meaning: Refers to the green parameter setting.

Note: Parameters set in green indicate a range of 0 to 255.

  • colorBlue

Meaning: Refers to the blue parameter setting.

Note: Parameters set in blue indicate a range of (0,255).

  • colorWhite

Meaning: Refers to the white parameter setting.

Description: Refers to the parameter setting in white, with a range of 0 to 255.

  • showCharging

Definition: Refers to whether the charging effect is displayed.

Note: This option controls whether the charging effect is displayed. If checked, the charging effect will be shown. If unchecked, the charging effect will not be displayed.

  • showBattery()

Definition: Indicates whether the battery status is displayed.

Note: This option controls whether the battery icon is displayed. If checked, the battery icon will be shown. If unchecked, the battery icon will not be displayed.

  • turnLeftFrontPos

Definition: This refers to the left front turn light set number, which consists of 6 beads per set.

Note: This indicates the number of beads in the left front steering light group (6 beads per group). Please set the number according to your actual usage and requirements.

  • turnLeftFrontNum

Definition: This refers to a set of six left front steering lights (6 beads/set)

Note: This refers to the number of left front steering lights (6 beads per group). Please set the number according to your actual usage and requirements.

  • turnLeftRearPos

Definition: This refers to a set of six left rear turn lights.

Note: This indicates the number of beads in the left rear steering light group (6 beads per group). Please set the number according to your actual usage and requirements.

  • turnLeftRearNum

Definition: This refers to a set of six left rear turn lights.

Note: This indicates the number of left rear steering lights (6 beads per group). Please set the number according to your actual usage and requirements.

  • turnRightFrontPos

Definition: This refers to the number of beads in the right front turning light group (6 beads per group).

Note: This indicates the number of beads in the right front steering light group (6 beads per group). Please set the number according to your actual usage and requirements.

  • turnLeftRearNum

Definition: This refers to a set of six right front turning lights.

Note: This indicates the number of right front steering lights (6 beads per group). Please set the number according to your actual usage and requirements.

  • turnRightRearPos

Definition: This refers to the number of beads in the right rear turning light group (6 beads per group).

Note: Please set the number of beads in the right rear steering light group (6 beads/group) according to your specific usage and requirements.

  • turnRightRearNum

Definition: Refers to the number of right rear turn lights (6 beads per set).

  • lightTotalNum

Interpretation: Refers to the number of lamp beads per group (6 lamp beads per group)

Note: This indicates the number of bead groups, with 6 beads per group. Please set the number according to your actual usage and requirements.

Ambient light effect

  1. Error alert: Red blinking
  2. Emergency stop: Dark red flashing
  3. Blocked: Pink-purple running light
  4. In motion: Blue blinking
  5. Charging: Orange blinking
  6. Battery level below 20% (configurable): Dark red running lights with accompanying buzzer sound
  7. Static state: Display power level, gradient from green (100%) to dark red (20%)
  8. Battery type not configured (or battery communication error) and robot stationary: Rainbow light band

Matters Needing Attention

  1. When the brand is WST-SM16512PS-DMX512, 16.3 and 16.4 refer to the description. MS-LedBoard-Pravite is not yet available.
  2. In 16.4, the sequence number refers to the priority of the atmosphere lamp display. This means that error alarms take precedence over emergency stop displays.
  3. Once the conditions for high priority are met, the corresponding strip effect is displayed, and the conditions for low priority are no longer judged.
  4. The refresh interval for each effect is approximately 300ms.
Last updated 2023/05/04
Article content


Device name

Color Configuration with Light Group

Ambient light effect

Matters Needing Attention